Kindle E-Books

How to Find Kindle e-Books

Please note that not all OverDrive e-Books are for Kindles.

  • On OverDrive's website, you can search for only Kindle e-Books by clicking on Search at the top, then under the magnifying glass (to the far right), click on Advanced under the search box.
  • Under Formats, change All Formats to Kindle Book then click Search.

Did you run into an error? Check our help section.

Download your Kindle e-Book

  • Now that you are logged into OverDrive, click on Borrow to select your book (sometimes the text will say Borrow for 21 Days).
  • Go to My account at the top right then click on Loans.
  • Next to the book cover, click on Choose a Format, select Kindle Book.
  • will now open up in your browser.

If you are not already signed into your Amazon account, do so now. You will see the e-Book you selected.

  • On the right, click on Get library book and then you may need to choose which Kindle to send it to.
  • If your Kindle is connected to Wi-Fi, your e-Book will download immediately. Enjoy!

Choose OverDrive e-Books

Darien Library offers e-Books through different providers: OverDrive and Hoopla Digital. e-Books for Kindles are only available through OverDrive. You will need to use a computer to complete these steps. Additionally, Kindles need to be connected to WiFi to download OverDrive e-Books.

If you have a Kindle Fire, you can download e-Books directly to your device. Read the Kindle Fire section below for more information.

Kindle Fire

Download the OverDrive app then create an OverDrive account. This account is different from your Library one. It will allow your reading progress and bookmarks to be synced to any other device you have the OverDrive app on (e.g. tablet or smartphone). More help.

In the OverDrive app, search for Darien Library. Tap on the star to favorite the Library. Then you can browse for books or search for a specific title.

If the little book or headphone icon on the book's cover is gray, that means it is not available. If it is black, you can read it now!

On Our Website

  • When selecting which e-Book provider to use for your Kindle e-Reader from our website catalog, choose OverDrive.
  • Select Checkout. Then go to the Library's OverDrive site.
  • Enter your Darien Library card number and click Sign in.
  • Find your new Kindle e-Book and click Read now with Kindle.
  • You'll be redirected to Amazon to sign in.
  • Click the yellow Get Library book and tell Amazon which Kindle to use.
  • For more help, see OverDrive's Kindle help page.

If you cannot download Kindle e-Books, check our help section.

Need Help?

Check our help section.

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