Closing Early for Mini Golf Setup

The Library will close at 1 p.m. this Friday so we can set up the Mini Golf course.

Additionally, the Library will be closed on Sunday aside from Mini Golf and for the Natalie Dykstra event.

Tech Help Tuesdays

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Program Type:


Age Group:


Program Description

Event Details

Drop in during this weekly open session for help using your cellphone, tablet, or computer.

First come, first served and is best suited for quick help questions.

Topics can include:

  • Computer basics, internet, and email
  • Using a tablet or smartphone
  • Accessing digital e-Books and audiobooks
  • Utilizing Darien Library's resources and databases
  • Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Excel
  • Research tips using databases
  • Genealogy

For more in-depth tech help, a one-on-one tech help appointment is recommended. Call 203-669-5238 or schedule a Book-a Librarian appointment.

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